December 26, 1971 in New York history

📝 On This Day 📝

54 years ago on December 26th, 1971

Members of Vietnam Veterans Against the War occupy the Statue of Liberty for 42 hours to draw attention to the ongoing war

The action was part of Operation Peace on Earth, a series of occupations taking place at landmarks such as the Betsy Ross House in Philadelphia and the South Vietnamese consulate building in San Francisco.

The protesters were unarmed and peaceful and avoided confrontation by deciding to leave after a restraining order was signed by a U.S. judge that would require the occupiers to open the island to visitors and workers at the statue.

When asked by the New York Times if the occupation succeeded, Al Hubbard, the director of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, said "Of course, we did. We got the war back on Page One, where it belongs."

The Vietnam War would continue for three and a half more years until the Fall of Siagon on April 30, 1975.

Read more from Jim Murphy, a member of the VVAW who took part in the Statue of Liberty occupation.


🌎 World History 🌏

Library of Congress  •  New York Times  •  BBC  •  Wikipedia

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Record High: 63°F in 1982
Record Low: 3°F in 1914

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