AGBC Podcasts

AGBC Podcasts

New York City News, History, and Events

In-depth news and first-person interviews with people who make the city great 👍


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✏️ Tips, Questions, and Feedback

or use our contact page

We're interested in hearing what you have to say and may read your email on the podcast or follow up with you to learn more details.

New: Leave a voicemail on the AGBC hotline at (646) 470-2464 to have your comments included on the podcast! Include your name and neighborhood. Speak slowly and clearly and take your time, but be advised that the voicemail has a three minute limit.


To submit an audio file, record a voice memo on your phone and attach it to an email at or text message at (646) 470-2464.


Here are voice memo instructions for iPhone and Android. You can also send any audio file if you are experienced with recording higher quality audio.

Some example topics:

  • Info you'd like to hear on the podcast
  • Funny stories you've experienced or situations you've witnessed that are uniquely "New York"
  • Experts or public figures we should interview on the show
  • Questions you have about how the city works or why things are the way they are
  • And, of course: Any feedback you have about the podcast


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