May 20, 2009 in New York history

📝 On This Day 📝

16 years ago on May 20th, 2009

Four men are arrested in a terror plot to shoot down military planes and bomb Bronx synagogues

As part of an undercover investigation, an FBI informant proposed that the men take part in an attack against synagogues in Riverdale in the Bronx and to shoot Stinger surface-to-air missiles at planes leaving Stewart Air National Guard Base in Newburgh, NY. Provided with fake missiles and explosives, the suspects were arrested after parking the fake explosives outside the two synagogues and received 25-year prison sentences.


More events from May 20th in New York History

⏰ AGBC Rewind ⏰

9 years ago
Evening Update for Friday, May 20, 2016

🌎 World History 🌏

Library of Congress  •  New York Times  •  BBC  •  Wikipedia

🌞 Weather Records 🌞

Record High: 96°F in 1996
Record Low: 43°F in 2002

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