Freedom Triangle

Freedom Triangle [OpenStreetMap]

A very small triangle/plaza at Bushwick Ave., Myrtle Ave., Willoughby Ave. in Brooklyn


Founded March 8, 1916 — 108 years ago

Learn More at NYC Parks Department

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so im doing family tree & was very surprised to find out that family members name is on the monument-charles kesselbach -very beautiful monument!

February 19, 2020 7:18pm

My great grandfathers brother is listed on this memorial , may he rest in peace. He was a Jewish immigrant from Austria who gave his life fighting for the ideals of his new home. It would be cool if everyone who has relatives on the memorial could meet here someday to commemorate our fallen ancestors and tell our stories of our families American experience since they arrived in Brooklyn around a century ago

January 7, 2024 9:33am

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