December 8, 1960 in New York history

📝 On This Day 📝

65 years ago on December 8th, 1960

Within 24 hours, two car bombs explode in Elizabeth, NJ and Forest Hills, Queens during the time the "Sunday Bomber" was operating, but are identified as separate incidents

In New Jersey, the targeted man was William P. Hillbrant, a government witness against a Teamsters union official, and Hillbrant escaped the attack. In Forest Hills, Kenneth Feinberg was killed by the blast. The bombing of Feinberg's car was powerful and appeared to have been made by a competent bomb-maker, but at the time he was only described as a employee at a Manhattan trucking company.


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🌎 World History 🌏

Library of Congress  •  New York Times  •  BBC  •  Wikipedia

🌞 Weather Records 🌞

Record High: 65°F in 1927
Record Low: 10°F in 1882

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