February 8, 2013 in New York history

📝 On This Day 📝

12 years ago on February 8th, 2013

Winter Storm Nemo hits NYC

High winds whipped the heavy snowfall into a blizzard, dumping a total of 11.4 inches of snow in Central Park. The storm was rated a 3 out of 5 on the Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale, classifying it as a major winter storm. On parts of Long Island, snow totals over two feet were even recorded! Governor Cuomo declared a state of emergency in New York and commuter trains out of the city were largely canceled, with subway service within the city remaining operational.


More events from February 8th in New York History

⏰ AGBC Rewind ⏰

12 years ago
Winter Storm Nemo Hits NYC

7 years ago
Vintage New York Travel Tips Featured in a 1977 Newspaper

🌎 World History 🌏

Library of Congress  •  New York Times  •  BBC  •  Wikipedia

🌞 Weather Records 🌞

Record High: 62°F in 2017
Record Low: -7°F in 1934

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