May 8, 1877 in New York history

📝 On This Day 📝

148 years ago on May 8th, 1877

The first Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is held in Manhattan

It was named for the Westminster Hotel at Irving Place where the dog owners met and was held at the first venue to carry the "Madison Square Garden" name at the corner of 26th Street and Madison Avenue. The Westminster show holds the title for the second-longest continuously-held sports event in the United States, with the Kentucky Derby being older by only two years. In modern day, the Westminster show takes place in February at Madison Square Garden, with as many as 2,800 dogs competing in seven groups and one Best In Show winner being crowned.


More events from May 8th in New York History

⏰ AGBC Rewind ⏰

9 years ago
Evening Update for Sunday, May 8, 2016

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Library of Congress  •  New York Times  •  BBC  •  Wikipedia

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Record High: 91°F in 2000
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