November 23, 1966 in New York history

📝 On This Day 📝

58 years ago on November 23rd, 1966

Stagnant air traps smog on the city, increasing carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide levels for three days, causing environmental and health effects across the region

Those three days drew national attention to the problem of smog and bolstered the enaction of environmental protection regulations at the state and national level.


⏰ AGBC Rewind ⏰

13 years ago
Macy's Thanksgiving Parade 2011

9 years ago
Guns Trashed, Subway Simulation, and Cinematic Sunset

5 years ago
AGBC News Episode 50: Thanksgiving Parade Mishaps

🌎 World History 🌏

Library of Congress  •  New York Times  •  BBC  •  Wikipedia

🌞 Weather Records 🌞

Record High: 72°F in 1931
Record Low: 14°F in 1880

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