November 27, 1997 in New York history

📝 On This Day 📝

28 years ago on November 27th, 1997

Four are injured, two seriously, when a Cat in the Hat balloon from the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade knocks down a streetlight on Central Park West

High winds caused damage to numerous balloons during the parade, and the streetlight at 72nd and Central Park West had reportedly been hit multiple times, with the Cat in the Hat eventually causing debris to topple down into the crowd. Macy's would go on to replace streetlights along the parade route to better guard against a balloon strike, but one of those replaced poles would be knocked down by a similar impact in 2005. The woman most seriously injured by the Cat in the Hat crash would also be impacted by another memorable NYC event when a plane crashed into her Upper East Side building and the plane's engine landed in her apartment.


More events from November 27th in New York History

⏰ AGBC Rewind ⏰

11 years ago
Live Photos From the 2014 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

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Library of Congress  •  New York Times  •  BBC  •  Wikipedia

🌞 Weather Records 🌞

Record High: 72°F in 1896
Record Low: 12°F in 1932

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I thought that a barney balloon did that but din't knock down a street light but the barney balloon got ripped this happend on thanksgiving of 1997

November 12, 2023 8:27pm

I thought that a barney balloon did that but din't knock down a street light but the barney balloon got ripped this happend on thanksgiving of 1997

November 12, 2023 8:27pm

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