October 9, 1985 in New York history

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40 years ago on October 9th, 1985

The 'Imagine' mosaic in Central Park's Strawberry Fields is dedicated to John Lennon on what would have been his 45th birthday

Strawberry Fields had been dedicated just four months after Lennon was murdered in 1980 and the area was further developed by Yoko Ono through 1984 to contain the Garden of Peace, which itself contains the 'Imagine' mosaic.

According to Yoko Ono and the Central Park Conservancy, 'Strawberry Fields Forever' was one of Lennon's favorite songs, and its title came from an orphanage in Liverpool.

The monument has become an iconic New York feature and serves as a gathering place for John Lennon's fans to gather in remembrance all days of the year, but especially on Lennon's birthday, October 9, and the anniversary of his death, December 8.

Visit the memorial on the west side of the park by entering at 72nd Street, across from the Dakota co-op building where Lennon and Ono lived and where Lennon was stalked and killed in December 1980 by a former fan who allegedly turned to hating the musician over Lennon's comments about Christianity.

Central Park-Imagine, 10.26.14 via gigi_nyc on Flickr


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🌎 World History 🌏

Library of Congress  •  New York Times  •  BBC  •  Wikipedia

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Record High: 86°F in 1916
Record Low: 37°F in 1888

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