September 21, 1938 in New York history

πŸ“ On This Day πŸ“

86 years ago on September 21st, 1938

A Category 3 hurricane makes landfall on Long Island, becoming one of the most powerful hurricanes ever recorded to hit New England

It became known as the 1938 New England Hurricane or the Long Island Express and heavily impacted Long Island, although winds were only 60–70mph in NYC, with eastern Long Island taking the worst damage. An estimated 682 people were killed, with damages equivalent to $4.7 billion.


More events from September 21st in New York History

⏰ AGBC Rewind ⏰

5 years ago
AGBC News Episode 42: De Blasio Drops Out and Christmas in September

πŸ—’οΈ Calendar Events πŸ—’οΈ

Oktoberfest begins πŸ₯¨

🌎 World History 🌏

Library of Congress  •  New York Times  •  BBC  •  Wikipedia

🌞 Weather Records 🌞

Record High: 95Β°F in 1895
Record Low: 40Β°F in 1871

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