September 5, 2018 in New York history

📝 On This Day 📝

7 years ago on September 5th, 2018

Emirates flight 203 from Dubai landed at JFK after passengers reported feeling sick


On board the plane, people were posting to social media, describing a group who seemed to all know each other and all of whom had been sick during the flight. The group had gotten much worse as the plane approached New York, and the plane was quarantined when it landed, turning the incident into a worldwide news event.

Ten people were hospitalized and tested positive for the flu, and no exotic diseases were found, despite the best wishes of people making jokes on social media about how the situation sounded like the beginning of a horror movie. The United Arab Emirates, where the flight originated, does typically have CDC travel notices for diseases like MERS, which have similar symptoms to the flu.

The event serves as a great reminder to get your flu shot this season, which can eliminate your chance of getting the flu or lessen its impact if you're exposed to it. You can find flu shots at local pharmacies, private hospitals, and city health clinics. Visit for more info.


⏰ AGBC Rewind ⏰

14 years ago
September 11th Photography Exhibit from the New York Times

13 years ago
Blimps on Parade! Four Promotional Blimps to Parade up the Hudson

8 years ago
Dispose of Batteries, Electronics, and Old Medicine at DSNY Events

7 years ago
Emirates flight 203 from Dubai lands at JFK after passengers report feeling sick

🌎 World History 🌏

Library of Congress  •  New York Times  •  BBC  •  Wikipedia

🌞 Weather Records 🌞

Record High: 94°F in 1985
Record Low: 51°F in 1963

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