College Avenue Greenthumb

College Avenue Greenthumb [OpenStreetMap]

A very small garden at College Ave. bet. E. 170 St. and E. 171 St. in the Bronx


Founded November 20, 2002 — 23 years ago

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How can I get in contact with the owner or caretakers of the park. I recently moved around the corner from the park and pass it every day wondering when it will be open. I am currently in a stage of trauma recovery and would like to know if I can help with cleaning up the garden. I am a survivor of domestic violence but have always felt safe in garden space. Please let me know if there is anyone I can speak with to discuss your garden needs and the possibilities of my assistance to the best of my abilities. Sincerely Malissa Vazquez

April 27, 2023 8:50am

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