Crocheron Park

Crocheron Park [OpenStreetMap]

A very large community park at 214 Pl., 214 La., 215 Pl, Cross Island Pkwy. bet. 33 Ave. and 35 Ave. in Queens


Founded September 17, 1924 — 101 years ago

Learn More at NYC Parks Department

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I was by choershon park 35 avenue the swans with senora once wished then some food to feed them use to 1950 go bicycle riding alley pond park old motor parkway once there I cleaned up along the road for recycling cans metal good excercise was told a couple use to do five cents returns by ball fields there after timestrue is it had money to buy an automobile new I also heard of volks paying apartment rent doing this true not what we do but how done I always all over I went found coins five cents cans plastics depends where or how done but this done could not surely say each day waries on day at car wash 84 dollars three new pens some clean writing paper you live learn dirty clean work find things when least expected 425 dollars piece of gold once rare find this I...

November 8, 2022 3:19pm

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