
Learn about the parks across the city! A Great Big City has been collecting photos and information about parks and would love to hear your stories about your favorite park. To submit a story, visit the page for your park and leave a comment or send us an email.

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Lydia's Magic Garden 🐝

Slattery Playground ⚽

Sidney Hillman Playground ⚽

Parade Ground ⚽

Church Triangle 📐

WNYC Transmitter Park ⛲

Belmont Playground ⚽

Nehemiah Ten Garden 🐝

Cambria Playground 🎪

Luigi's Garden / 227 Garden 🐝

South Beach Wetlands 🏞

Shore Park and Parkway 🎪

Fresh Creek Nature Preserve 🏞

Rockaway Beach and Boardwalk ⚓

Castle Hill Playground ⚽

Judge Angelo Graci Triangle 📐

Jacob Riis Triangle 📐

El Gallo Garden 🐝

Russell Sage Playground ⚽

Admiral Park ⚽

Franklin Triangle 📐

Schomberg Academy Garden 🐝

Howard Pool 🎪

Rodney Park North ⚽

Seth Low Playground/ Bealin Square ⛲