Amazon Lockers Appear in NYC Rite Aid Stores
[Update] – Amazon Lockers have also been spotted in Gristedes, D’Agostino’s, and Morton Williams, and check below for a view of what’s inside an Amazon Locker!
October 17th – Amazon Lockers are now available as a shipping option!
After appearing in Seattle 7-Eleven stores earlier this month, Amazon’s new locker systems are showing up in some New York City Rite Aid stores.
The large metal lockers are used as an alternate delivery location for packages ordered from, and the interactive touch-screen monitor is used to open the correct locker after you input your unique code, provided by Amazon.
Their appearance is a bit of a surprise, as there is no information available about the roll-out of lockers in Rite Aid stores, and all news reports mention only Seattle 7-Eleven stores as the testing area for these new machines.
A test purchase at offered no option to ship to the new lockers.
Have you seen one, or used one? Leave a comment below!
Ever wonder what’s inside an Amazon Locker? A comment from David Walters shows the internals of an Amazon Locker in London, including the power supply, modem, firewall, and control boards. Check out the slideshow below:
Amazon Locker internals – via jellybabynetworks on Flickr