April 17, 1951 in New York history

πŸ“ On This Day πŸ“

74 years ago on April 17th, 1951

Mickey Mantle makes his major league debut

He plays right field for the New York Yankees and quickly becomes a star in a succession of historic names that had played for the Yankees, showing his talent both in center field and as a hitter. He would go on to become the highest-paid player in baseball by 1961 and would set a record of games played at 2,401 that would stand until 2011, when the record was broken by Derek Jeter. After retirement, Mickey opened a restaurant and sports bar on Central Park South that proved popular and remained open from 1988 to 2011. In recognition of his accomplishments, Mickey's uniform number was retired from use on June 8, 1969 on what would be known as Mickey Mantle Day.


More events from April 17th in New York History

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Library of Congress  •  New York Times  •  BBC  •  Wikipedia

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Record High: 96Β°F in 2002
Record Low: 27Β°F in 1875

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