April 5, 1918 in New York history

πŸ“ On This Day πŸ“

107 years ago on April 5th, 1918

Glass and pieces of wire are found in various foods in Brooklyn

An article from the New York Tribune discussed cases around the city where glass fragments had been found in food. Either glass or pieces of metal wire had been found in bread, rolls, crullers, candy, chewing gum, salted almonds, frankfurters, and even a sample of sugar. The Department of Justice, New York police, the Food Board, the Federal Secret Service, and the Brooklyn Food Protection Agency worked together to track down the source of the glass that had made its way into such a wide variety of products. Given the tense wartime relations with Germany, the Brooklyn Food Protection Agency ordered that Brooklyn bakeries should fire all German immigrants, and if any "enemy aliens" were employed at food facilities, they should ensure that there was no way for them to introduce inappropriate ingredients during food production. Two days later, the Food Board would announce more glass had been discovered, with cases showing up in Hoboken and Waterbury, Connecticut. Candy sales were ceased in Waterbury and two German immigrants were arrested in Brooklyn on the suspicion that they were tampering with candy, but the ultimate outcome of the investigation was unclear.


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Record High: 80Β°F in 1928
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