November 25, 2005 in New York history

📝 On This Day 📝

20 years ago on November 25th, 2005

Two are injured when an M&M balloon from the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade knocks down a streetlight in Times Square

The parade had begun with winds just under the maximum allowable speed, but as the balloons entered the open area of Times Square, an area known to the balloon pilots as problematic, the wind currents caused the balloons to behave erratically. The 515-pound balloon hit an office building and the streetlight as its 50 handlers struggled to regain control. One woman and her younger sister, who uses a wheelchair, were hit by the falling light and escaped with minor injuries. A similar incident happened in 1997 along Central Park West that required Macy's to replace streetlights along the parade route, but it was one of those redesigned lights that toppled down on the two sisters.


More events from November 25th in New York History

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Record High: 73°F in 1979
Record Low: 19°F in 1938

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