October 23, 1995 in New York history

📝 On This Day 📝

29 years ago on October 23rd, 1995

A Greenpeace activist piloting a "gas-powered parachute" flies a banner outside the UN building

The flight was to protest France's recent nuclear testing in the South Pacific. While French President Jacques Chirac spoke inside the U.N. building, Kai Britt, a 33-year-old from Germany, flew the parachute with a banner trailing behind that said "Stop Nuclear Testing". He evaded police helicopters for 20 minutes before he was forced to land on Roosevelt Island and was apprehended and charged with disorderly conduct, reckless endangerment, obstructing governmental administration, and unlawfully flying over water.

France would conduct a few nuclear tests after the U.N. meeting, but would announce an end to their nuclear testing in January 1996, three months after Kai Britt's parachute protest.

It seems Kai Britt has remained with Greenpeace over the years, as his name still appeared in a 2012 article about the Costa Concordia shipwreck [Google Translate version], where he is credited as a "Greenpeace expert", and in Spiegel Online from 2012 where he is quoted as an employee for the German branch of Greenpeace.


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🌎 World History 🌏

Library of Congress  •  New York Times  •  BBC  •  Wikipedia

🌞 Weather Records 🌞

Record High: 85°F in 1947
Record Low: 32°F in 1969

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