December 15, 1989 in New York history

📝 On This Day 📝

35 years ago on December 15th, 1989

Arturo Di Modica's 7,100 pound bronze 'Charging Bull' statue is secretly installed overnight near the New York Stock Exchange Christmas tree as a gift to the people of NYC

The Wall Street Bull was initially sent to an NYPD impound lot since it was installed illegally, but six days later it was relocated to Bowling Green Park, where it stands today. Artwork is usually only on display in city parks for a one-year term, so the sculpture's "temporary" display at Bowling Green since 1989 is a unique case. The artist still owns the bull and the Parks Department does not purchase art, so Di Modica has tried to sell the bull to someone on the condition that they immediately donate it to the city and leave it in place.

On March 7, 2017, the 'Fearless Girl' statue was placed in front of the bull. Although made in a similar style, 'Fearless Girl' is made by a different artist and was granted an official 30-day permit to stand in Bowling Green in recognition of International Women's Day. Di Modica was a vocal critic of the new sculpture's placement, which he said was an advertising trick that exploited his sculpture for commercial purposes because it was commissioned by State Street Global Advisors as part of their marketing. The temporary permit for 'Fearless Girl' was extended due to its popularity, but by November 2018 the girl was removed and relocated to a permanent position facing the New York Stock Exchange building.

Wall Street Bull via Pablo on Flickr


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🌎 World History 🌏

Library of Congress  •  New York Times  •  BBC  •  Wikipedia

🌞 Weather Records 🌞

Record High: 68°F in 2015
Record Low: 8°F in 1874

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