April 27, 1897 in New York history

πŸ“ On This Day πŸ“

128 years ago on April 27th, 1897

Grant's tomb is dedicated in Morningside Park on what would have been General Grant's 75th birthday

In a letter to then New York City mayor William Grace, Grant's wife Julia explained that the choice of the New York City instead of Washington D.C. was due to her husband's wish for a memorial that would also serve as his wife's resting place, a practice that was prohibited in military cemeteries. Since Mayor Grace had offered space in New York City and she planned to live out her life in the city, Julia Grant chose the location over a federal site.

Grant's Monument and Riverside Church, April 11, 1964 via Cervin Robinson, Library of Congress


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Record High: 92Β°F in 1915
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